Hello There

The folders in this repository are my fun projects, you can contribute or add your own styles to them. You can checkout the brief descriptions of the projects below, and if you want to see them in action, just click on the respective headings to check them out. I will be adding new projects whenever I’m free.

1. google-replica
This is a basic replica of Google search.

2. mockup-vegan-store
This is a responsive website for a mockup vegan store.

3. bg-color-changer
This is a background color changer, based on a button click.

4. click-counter
This is a button click counter.

5. neuomorphism-clock-app
This is a neuomorphic live analog clock.

6. parallax-effect
This is a webpage with parallax effect.

7. simple-calculator
This is a simple calculator, without any edge cases.

8. smartwatch-showcase
This is a mockup smartwatch checkout page.